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Senior Class of 2021

Annalis Agosto

Future Plans: Will become an eyelash business owner and fashion model.

"Stay Focused, If you get it done now you don’t have to do it later."


Amiyah Beasley

Future Plans: College at MCC for social justice and maybe Brockport afterward

"Do not slack just because you are in 9th grade. You will regret it."


Jeremiah Bermudez

Future Plans: Studying sports management or business in college, playing basketball.

"Always think of the glass half full. "

Justin Cherrez

Future Plans: Studying computer science or engineering.

"Pay attention, a lot of attention, don’t mess around, you don’t want it to hit the fan at the last second. It is going to get ugly at the end so pay attention now and do what you need to do so you don’t have to worry about it later. "


David Clayton

Future Plans: Taking a year off to work, then studying marketing or computer science in college.

"If you need help don’t be scared to ask for help, especially when you need it. Put your all into your work. Once you get that good grade you will feel proud of yourself and that work will be worth it. Work on assignments even when you don't want to you have to put the effort in."

Greyslian Cruz

Future Plans: Taking a year off to work, then pursuing a degree in veterinary science.

"Don’t say that you can't because you can do it. Don’t give up on your goals. Keep trying if you fail just keep trying. "

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Pedro Cruz

Future Plans: Trade school, contract work.

"Stay focused on yourself and don't try to please other people because those are the people that will end up disappointing you."


Monee' Whitfield-Cruz

Future Plans: Working after high school, considering attending college or trade school.

"Stay focused, Stay away from drama. Focus on your career and bettering yourself. If you need help, ask for it. Pick your friends wisely. Set a goal for yourself. "

Reynaldo De Leon Roque

Future Plans: Believe, Achieve, Succeed.

"Believe, Achieve, Succeed."

Joshua Figueroa

Future Plans: Going into trade school, electrician or HVAC work.

"Do your work and do whatever you need to do now, It sucks to do it later. Keep Focused so you can graduate on time."

Damian Garib

Future Plans: Will work in photography and content creation.

"Take it a day at a time. Communicate, someone will be there to help you. People are not always against you asking for help is ok."

Riyona Leslie

Future Plans: Believe, Achieve, Succeed.

"Believe, Achieve, Succeed."


Michael Lino Rodriguez

Future Plans: Go to college and enroll in automotive courses.

"Don’t lack, keep pushing up. "

Joselyn Lopez

Future Plans: Earning license to be an esthetician, starting a business, then attending FLCC 2+2 with SUNY Brockport to become a veterinarian.

"You grow so much in high school and learn that sometimes you outgrow your friends and discover who you really are. As long as you acknowledge that you are growing and don’t stop yourself from growing. These are the worst best 4 years of your life. Appreciate any help that you can get (take it). Don’t stay stuck in the past. "

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Laisha Martinez

Future Plans: Attending Roberts Wesleyan college and majoring in criminal justice. Playing volleyball and softball.

"Don’t stress because it is only going to get harder. Don’t fool around because you won't do good things in your life. You make it harder for yourself when you fool around."

Devan Melendez

Future Plans: Entering the workforce.

"Stay on track early, don’t fall behind. Even though it may seem like you have 4 more years you don’t. Take advantage of college credit classes. Ask questions about literally anything. Don’t be confused for no reason. If you are finished with class early try to do above and beyond work to prove that you can do it. If you find yourself doing something in your free time while you are procrastinating that may be something that you want to look at doing as a future goal. "

Britany Ortega

Future Plans: Studying dermatology at university.

"First, trust a person who can help him or her to achieve his or her goals, don't waste time and don’t leave everything to the end of the course. Keep asking if he or she doesn't understand up to they can reach their goals."

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Gemalis Ortiz Rivera

Future Plans: Joining the military (army) for 6 months and then going to college to pursue her nursing degree.

"Come in focusing on school, high school is not the same as middle school it is much harder than you expect. Just don’t give up."

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Kydian Quinones Suarez

Future Plans: Going to St. John Fisher College to study media and communication with a minor in international business.

"It is not about making it, it is about building yourself through it. Those 4 years go by fast but you get hard with all sorts of stuff. You get challenged more and more. You have to balance your life with school. You will becoming who you are going to be but you still have time to change and become the person you want to be."

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Thalia Riley

Future Plans: Entering the workforce.

"Do your best and actually do the work. Focus, if you need help just ask."

Alexander Rivera

Future Plans: Getting truck driving license

"No matter how hard high school gets, keep your head up. Make sure you never put your head down. Once you put your head down you let your guard down, you set yourself back and that is similar to falling apart and you don’t want to do that because you want to succeed and have a great future. "

Luis Rivera Reyes

Future Plans: Believe, Achieve, Succeed.

"Believe, Achieve, Succeed."

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Azmeriza Rodriguez

Future Plans: Pursuing a bachelors in psychology at Roberts Wesleyan College

"Stay focused and stay to yourself. People go wrong thinking school is a joke and following along in their friends footsteps because they thought it was cool. Don’t get stuck in the mindset that you don’t need to pass your classes. Enjoy school, go to school, it isn't going to be there forever. The years are going to go by fast and you are going to miss it."

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Darielys Rodriguez

Future Plans: Plans to go to college to become a nurse.

"Listen to the teachers, Pay attention to the classes because you need to. Don’t disrespect anyone. Have a planner."

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Yazmin Rodriguez

Future Plans: Going to St John Fisher to major in biology and move onto a pre med program to become a doctor.

"You are capable of more than you think. You have a lot of potential you just need to put in the work to reach your full potential. It may be hard but it is doable. We have supportive staff and a good school so you should have no problem achieving that. You will be alright. Don’t give up on yourself."

Crystal Rosado Iglesias

Future Plans: Going to college to become an RN or a detective. Will play basketball in college.

"Keep up with your work because you don’t want to fall behind. You can have friends but when it comes to school you gotta stay on top of it and don’t let anyone get in your way."

Jesmy Santos

Future Plans: Believe, Achieve, Succeed.

"Believe, Achieve, Succeed."


Darnell Smith

Future Plans: Plans to become a firefighter and an advocate for young kids in the community. Plans to come back to EMHCS and speak with some of the kids about life. Once he gets into a firefighting program, he will attend community college part time so he can earn a higher education. Once he earns a degree, he will make it back into the community to help the kids.

"Be prepared because it is not like middle school. There is a lot more work and a lot more responsibility. You have to advocate for yourself, you gotta speak up and ask for help. Always question everything until you have a full understanding. Don't be a follower. Many people want to be cool and a class clown but that is not important. Most of the friends that you have in 8th and 9th grade will not be the friends that you have when you graduate. Don't get caught up in friendships and relationships because it is only a distraction. If you ever feel like you are stuck or overwhelmed there will always be someone that will want to help you. PRIDE is important. Don’t quit before you get to the end because then it won't be worth anything. If you can make it through high school you can make it through life."

Christian Stewart

Future Plans: Plans to work part time and enjoy life.

"Sometimes you can’t always train for the fight."

Isa Whiteside

Future Plans: Studying dental hygiene in college.

"Pay attention and go to class. If you don’t you aren’t going to get a good outcome and you are going to be lost. You are not going to like the feeling that comes with being behind on all of your work."

TeKiyah Chambers

Future Plans: Entering the Navy and attending college to become a neonatal nurse. Also entering the workforce.

"Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed, when you get overwhelmed it makes you not want to do things."

Ari'Yahna Swails-D'Aguilar

Future Plans: Going to REOC to be a pharmacy technician, then going back for her LPN.

"Always ask for help, do extra credit work. It is ok to not sit with the wrong crowd, it is easy to become distracted. Be open minded, don’t be so quick to say no to things."


Sarai Riggins

Future Plans: Going to school to become a criminal therapist.

"Don’t let other people's opinions of you get to you. Don’t worry about what they think about you because their opinions don't matter. Be your own leader and don’t follow other people just because you think they are cool or popular be yourself."

Kalani Villanueva

Future Plans: Wants to be a midwife. She works at Rochester General and they plan on paying for her schooling to become a midwife assisting with postpartum depression. She will be attending REOC for business so she can start a nonprofit business to help out the homeless population in Rochester.

"It is nothing like middle school. The school is formatted out like college. Pay attention and put your mind to it. Going to a city school is nothing like going to EMHCS. Don’t make it difficult for yourself, the teachers and people are nice and understanding. How you act in school affects how other people view you. The better you act the better your experience will be."

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Zahni Jackson

Future Plans: Believe, Achieve, Succeed.

"Believe, Achieve, Succeed."


Janiyah Blue

Future Plans: Believe, Achieve, Succeed.

"Believe, Achieve, Succeed."


Eugenio María de Hostos Charter School

     Main phone number: (585) 544-6170

    Grades K - 6
     27 Zimbrich Street Rochester, NY 14621

    Grades 7 - 8 
     1069 Joseph Avenue Rochester, NY 14621

    Grades 9 - 12
     343 State Street, Building 10, 5th floor.
     Rochester, NY 14650


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